Corrections Committee


The purpose of a corrections committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls, and to set up means of smoothing the way from the facility to the larger A.A. community through prerelease contacts.

A corrections committee may function within the structure of a General Service Conference area committee or an intergroup/central office. As A.A. has grown, it seems that a committee formed within the A.A. service structure works more effectively than an individual member or group.

The Area 26 Corrections Committee is focused on carrying the A.A. message to the Alcoholic behind the walls.  The committee does this by informing workers in corrections facilities about what A.A. is and is not, taking meetings in corrections facilities, purchasing and bringing in literature to alcoholics behind the walls, corresponding with alcoholics staying in a correctional facility,  and being sponsors to Alcoholics living behind the walls.

If you want to work with alcoholics in a corrections facility, please contact

One of the ways to do service work within the Corrections Committee is to be a temporary contact in the Bridging the Gap program.

One of the ways to support the Corrections Committee, is to contribute to the Pink Can Fund.  To contribute to the Pink Can Fund, contact

For more information about Corrections Committees and their work in your community, please see the following literature:

A.A. Guidelines on Corrections Committees

Corrections Workbook

A.A. in Correctional Facilities

A.A. in Prison: A Message of Hope Book

Correctional Facilities – A.A. Group Handbook

A Message to Corrections Professionals…Pamphlet

Behind the Walls: A Message of Hope Pamphlet

Corrections Correspondence — a special kind of A.A. Service Pamphlet

Information on the Corrections Correspondence service for “Outside” A.A. members Pamphlet

To sign up as Corrections Correspondent please fill out this Form and email it to

If you are in a correctional facility and want to sign up to be paired with the Corrections Correspondence Service, please fill out this Form and email it to