Suggested Literature for Sponsor Packets

The 12th Step of AA says: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

This step happens whenever one alcoholic talks to another.  It is how we start to carry this message to the still suffering alcoholic. However, working on this Step can be daunting.  The good news is that AA has literature to help.  Like those who are new to AA, literature packets can be made to help the sponsor too. The Area 26 Committee offers this list of suggested AA literature to create sponsor packets.

The program of Alcoholics Anonymous is explained in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and it is best to use this book as the primary source of information.  More information is given in the book Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions and can be used as a supplementary to the Big Book.

This list is designed to give basic information to help the sponsor understand different aspects of the AA program.  This list is not definitive. The Area 26 Literature Committee suggests that each sponsor, group, and district use this list as a guide and add or subtract pamphlets to fit the sponsor’s needs.

Suggested Literature for Sponsor Packets
SM110 – Sponsorship: A Vital Steppingstone to Service and Sobriety
Box 4-5-9 Spring 2016: Sponsorship: Our Silent Legacy (Article on page 7)
P15 – Q&A on Sponsorship
P16 – The AA Group
P47 – Understanding Anonymity
P24 – A Newcomer Asks
P11 – Drugs and other Medication
P43 – 12 Traditions Illustrated
P55 – 12 Steps Illustrated
P83 – Access to AA – Members overcoming barriers
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