Registrar Committee


The Purpose of the Registrar Committee Is to keep the A.A. General Service Office (GSO) informed of all groups in Area 26 as well as the name of each group’s General Service Representative (GSR).  GSRs are the connection between the Groups and the General Service Conference (GSC), the General Service Board (GSB) as well as A.A. as a whole.    GSRs carry their group’s consciousness to the District to inform the GSC, GSB, and GSO about different topics affecting A.A. as a whole.

The registrar committee also informs the GSO of changes to the District Committee Member (DCM) within each district in A.A. Areas.  Area 26 has a total of 35 Districts. DCMs carry the group conscious learned from the GSRs of the Districts to the Area to inform the GSC, GSB, and GSO about different topics affecting A.A. as a whole.

It is important that each group and GSR is registered with the GSO. This allows the GSO to contact each group’s GSR to know how many groups are in A.A. around the world, get an estimate of the number of members in A.A., as well as have the ability to contact the groups if necessary.

  To learn more about the importance of the Group, and its connection through the GSR and DCM, please review the following literature.

The A.A. Group…Where It All Begins Pamphlet

G.S.R. General Service Representative Pamphlet

Your D.C.M. – District Committee Member

The registrar committee is Area 26’s way of linking the groups through their GSRs and DCMs to the GSO.

New Groups please fill out this form and email it to

Nuevos Grupos por favor complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico a

New GSRs please fill out this form and email it to

Nuevos GSRs, complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico

New DCMs please fill out this form and email it to

Nuevos DCMs, complete este formulario y envíelo por correo electrónico a

To see all of the Groups and Districts in Area 26, please visit our Meeting List page